Rally-O is a great dog sport that can be enjoyed by dogs (and people!) of any age and ability. The dog and their handler are required to perform a different exercise every few metres. Exercises include combinations of turns, presents, finishes, changes of position, heeling around cones, halts, stays and jumps. Even though Rally-O has evolved from Competitive Obedience, it does not require the same level of precision as Obedience. The main goal in Rally-O is to gain a score of at least 90% and so earn a qualifying certificate, Once you have enough qualifying certificates, your dog can gain a Dogs NZ Rally-O title. There are several levels of title to work towards, each level more challenging than the one before, with longer courses, more difficult exercises and stricter criteria for success. Rally-O is fun and exciting!
Tuesday from 6.30pm during the school term.
You are welcome to join us at any stage through the term.
Tuesday evenings are focused on fun and positive training methods.
Levels are flexible and you can move yourself up or down as you feel comfortable.
Training fee is $40 per term plus annual membership.
Contact Person:
Linda Guinness,
323-2228 or 027 4488000,